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Birds cause problems to most people at some time or other. In the countryside birds eat crops, fruit and stored food. In towns the problems are fouling of buildings or pathways and inappropriate nesting, scavenging on landfill is also a problem. 

Scaring is the preferred method of bird control in agriculture because of the generally wild nature of the birds and the large areas involved. In towns birds are usually feral and harder to scare, but the areas involved are far smaller, therefore methods involving both scaring and physical exclusion are needed. 

We have split our products up into those generally used within agriculture, urban and those for landfill sites - although in reality sometimes there is an overlap.


There are three methods of birds control:


Startle reaction scarers such as Irritape are generally inexpensive and easy to deploy. These bird scarers are commonly used in arable crops, fruit farms and vegetable patches.


Instinctive scarers include the Vigilant Helikite, Lightweight Helikites and Hawk Kites. They are far more powerful than startle-reaction scarers, because they exploit birds’ instinctive fear of deadly overhead hovering hawks. For large areas of crops they are the most economical scarers per acre. They also have a far longer effect as they do not succumb to habituation like startle-reaction scarers. Vigilante Helikites and are used on thousands of acres of crops worldwide, with their great flying height creating a huge “exclusion zone”  against bird pests such as pigeons, crows and rooks. Hawk-Kites are so powerful that they are even effective against feral town pigeons and seagulls.


Sometimes, very tame or feral birds often cannot be scared, especially if they have access to a good food source near human activity. The tamer birds breed faster due to the abundance of food and soon there is a large feral population genetically disposed to being unafraid of humans. Control of these birds may require physical exclusion devices such as “Bird-Trip” on ridges and ledges. In the worst cases, netting may be needed for fruit crops, vegetable gardens or buildings.

Call us today to discuss your situation on +44 (0) 1425 654967

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