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The unique Helikites can fly at great heights (up to 60 meters). This enables them to be seen over hills or hedges and to have excellent birdscaring ability over vast areas - far more than is usual with any other method. A Helikite is cheap to buy. You can buy four for the average price of one propane banger or wailer. This will save you hundreds of pounds or dollars and the vast coverage of each Helikite means that you can afford to protect the entire area of your vulnerable crops.

Are you fed up with putting an expensive squawk box at one end of the field only to see the birds feeding at the other end?  Then complete area bird control using economical Helikites is for you. 


What other birdscarer protects such large areas?

What other birdscarer is as inexpensive per acre. 


  • Controls up to 25 Acres

  • Very low habituation

  • Reliable on rooks / crows

  • Reliable near animals / silage

  • Silent - no complaints

  • Works over hills and hedges

  • Can work at night

  • Easy to set up and move around

  • No breakable moving parts

  • Costs from less than £130 to buy

  • Costs under £5 / acre

  • Reliable where birds have already started eating

  • No Battery required (that can be stolen)


There is nothing more frustrating than buying a noisy birdscarer that does not perform well. As the birds become more habituated they will creep closer and closer until they are virtually (or actually) sitting on the thing. You will have wasted a lot of time and money and a limited mechanical guarantee does not help.

Bird Control Systems Ltd offers a full two month guarantee of bird control effectiveness of Helikites against wild birds.

This will give you ample time to test our claims of long term bird control, because birds tend to get used to many birdscarers after a couple of weeks. Hard winters are no excuse, nor are late sowing, a rookery nearby, or a pigeon flight-path (Helikites cause them to move). Birdscarers should work all the time they are needed within their stated criterion. Do yours?

Unrivaled Bird-Control Experience and Data

Please check out your own bird-control situation against our unique acreage chart. 
Depending on the type of bird and the food value of the crop the area protected by one Helikite varies. This is common to all birdscarers. 

























































Cost Comparisons

This example shows estimated costs per acre, to protect 100 acres of emerging peas over four years against pigeons by three different mainstream birdscaring methods.

#1. Vigilante Helikites
which cost £125 each and protect 20 acres each. Therefore 5 units are required. 
(5 x £125) + helium gas of £90 for one season.
Assuming the units last 4 years and 50 x £7 extra spare balloons are needed over the next 3 years: 
(5 x £125 Vigilante Helikites) + (5 x £90 helium) + £350 extra spare balloons:



#2. Large steel flashing windmill birdscarers
which retail at about £300 each and cover about 10 acres each. Therefore 10 units are required. 
Therefore assuming the units last 4 years with no extra running costs:
(If Birds-Eye buying costs are different please re-calculate with those prices)
Total Cost Overall = £3,000



#3. Noise producing auditory birdscarers 
which retail at about £350 each and protect about 10 acres each. Therefore 10 units are required. 
Therefore assuming the units last 4 years with no extra running costs: 
(If Birds-Eye buying costs are different please re-calculate with those prices)
Total Cost Overall = £3,500



#1 Total cost: £1,065  overall

#2 Total cost: £3,000 overall

#3 Total cost: £3,500 overall


Call us today to discuss your situation on +44(0)1425 654967

Raven Crow

Crows / Rooks

Emerging Cereals:  15 Acres

Laid Cereals:            15 Acres

Landfill Sites:            1-6 Acres

Farm Buildings:        5 Acres        

Pig/Cattle Units       2-5 Acres

Drilled Maize           10-15 Acres

Strawberries            10 Acres

Seagull on Rock


Landfill Sites:           1-6 Acres

Building Sites:          2 Acres


Pigeon Pest Control (2).jpg

Wood Pigeons

Oilseed-Rape:         10-25 Acres

Emerging Cereals:  20-25 Acres

Peas:                         20  Acres

Young Cabbages:    15 Acres        

Beans                        15 Acres

Laid Cereals             15-25 Acres

Drilled Maize            15-20 Acres

Birds on Frozen Grass

Small Birds

Grapes/Bush Crops: 3-5 Acres

Strawberries:             3-5 Acres




Cherries/Fruit:          5 Acres

Strawberries:            7 Acres        

Farm Buildings:       1-5 Acres

Cattle Units:             1-3 Acres


The Flock

Large Birds

Cormorants Fish Farms:      15 Acres

Cormorants Rivers:               400 Metres

Local Geese Oilseed Rape:  15 Acres

Local Geese Grass/Cereals: 1-6 Acres

Grackels Fruit Farms:             5 Acres    Grackels Rice:                        10 Acres 

Miratory Geese Grass/Cereals 30-50 Acres

Pheasants Woodland Edge    1-5 Acres

UK Herons Fish Farms             10 Acres

Bird Control Coverage from One Helikite

(1ha = 2.5 Acres)


Our bird scarers are environmentally safe and harmless to birds. Peregrine Hawk Kites are handmade in the UK.

Bird Control Systems Ltd. Unit 2, Fordingbridge Business Park, Ashford Road Fordingbridge, Hampshire, England SP6 1BD  +44 (0) 1425 654 967

Sold & shipped worldwide. Used professionally by museums, hotels, resorts, vineyards, agriculture and industrial estates.

We are currently looking for dealers in Scandinavia , the Mediterranean and Caribbean areas.  Please enquire for more information.


Peregrine Pro Hawk Kite is trade mark protected.

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